Wednesday, November 11, 2009

E2 Labs raped by Zone-H royally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another scam hit India's IT Sector this time the Information Security sector. Self proclaimed Cyber Security Futurologist Dr.Zaki Qureshey is in the thick of storm this time.Only GOD knows how this people get titles as Dr. is there a criteria or elibility for these titles.

E2 labs is a training institute started by Zaki and the other famous looser Ankit Fadia.A combination of marketing skills,crookedness,amateur media coverages helped this people to sell their trainings to innocent aspiring Information Security professionals.The guys speaks and boasts of contacts top Govt officials and Inteligence agencies.....what lame method to market himself.He still thinks Information Security professional lives in the Stone Age.

You got it wrong Zaki,we always doubted your gimmicks and statements.One look at the E2 labs website tells you its all cooked up.I too come from the same city as he is,Hyderbad.I happen to see all the marketing stuff in the roads claiming they have tie ups with,Zone-H,Fyodor etc.

I always wondered why should such guys want tie up with this looser.So around 2 months back I tried to check it out.I dropped a call to his office and as usual they receptionist/secretary picked it up and started collecting information thinking that am a prospective victim for them to leech money.I asked her to cut the crap and put me straight to Zaki and she did.Now our man Zaki starts boasting of his exploits in the Information Security world,his tie ups with Intelligence agencies,Govt and security gurus.He tried convincing me to attend a training on Web app security training.I started asking him about the course contents,he started giving me stupid theories about how security companies in India do security assessments and started blaming the poor methodologies and standards adopted by them for assessments.

Well Zaki come out of your closet and see the new Indian Information Security world,it aint the old age where you can cheat and loot money.We have thousands of true professionals who work tirelessly underground.We dont go after fame,publicity and money.And you and your company brought disgrace to the whole Information Security Industry in India.How many young peoples career and life did you spoil.We will rip you till you get out of these shameful acts.

For all people who wants to listen to Zaki trying to reach on a peace agreement with Roberto listen to the audio clip

Zone-H's Preatoni - E2labs' Qureshey phone call from rrpsks on Vimeo.

I salute you Preatoni for taking initiative to tear of the Zaki's mask,so that the whole world could see the real Zaki.You saved several innocent peoples careers in India.And this is not the only institution who does such pathetic stuff,there are lot more.Let this be a warning for all them.....

I will also attach one of his mails he send asking me to bring my team and attend one of his training sessions.

Hope all's well, the next training program on Advanced Cyber Security Training program offered by E2 Labs & PHP-IDS, Am forwarding you the detailed Training Catalog known as "THE MOTHER OF ALL TRAININGS", it is scheduled from October 26th-31st '2009 at Hyderabad. Please attend and do nominate some registrations from your organization.

Any Further clarifications please feel free to contact us. Await for your reply.

Training On:-

Hands-On Web Penetration Testing - 2Days

Hands-on-Web Application Security - 4Days


Unknown said...

Ankit Fadia, India's uber hacking expert (and co-founder of e2 Labs), appears to heavily promote Viagra, or been hacked by evil spammers that found a way to subtlety deface the web page.

Eby said...

Thts really funny

rahul said...

i've just read this story in Mid-Day.
"Is ankit fadia selling viagra"?

Eby said...

Checkout this one

Information Security Training said...

Its true that the name of IT should be now IS, information security. Govt officials and Intelligence agencies required this very much.