Sunday, July 26, 2009
When God Puts You On Hold
When God Puts You On Hold (1)
Don't try to get out of anything prematurely. - James 1:4 TM
The Bible says, "To every thing there is a season" (Ecc 3:1). So no matter how hard you pray, you can't pray your life's seasons away. There are some situations you aren't meant to change - you're just meant to survive! Paul calls these times, "light affliction, which is...for a moment" (2 Co 4:17). When you can't alter your circumstances you must learn to grow through them.
In winter, trees take advantage of the season to rebuild their strength and prepare to be fruitful next season. Their sap and substance go underground. Then in the spring it pushes its way back up again in the form of new growth. Looking back over your life you'll find that your achievements are seasonal. Growth comes, then struggle, and vice versa. Each season has its purpose. God has a reason for not wanting you to be productive all the time. When He permits winter winds to blow through your life He's preparing you for the coming spring. James writes, "Consider it tests...come... under pressure, your faith...shows its true colours. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way" (Jam 1:2-4 TM).
One of the issues you'll struggle with in a waiting period is the urge to hurry, to make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances. Don't do it! Every situation doesn't call for immediate action. Remember, patience comes from trust, and you can't trust a God you don't know. That's why you need to spend more time getting acquainted with Him through reading His Word and praying.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Eby's All time favorite Rock Songs (Contd..)

I got introduced to the rock music by a gud friend of mine called Jacob Alexander.....he is a music maniac...the guy plays amazing guitar and a gud singer....Guess wot Wind of Change is the first song he made me listen in his music system.Frm tht day I never looked back the search of gud Rock songs still goes on...I found many and am still on the look for more....I bid goodbye to the Boybands and Techno crap.......
Wind of Change is a power ballad by the German rock band....and the song & music video celebrates the fall of the Berlin Wall.....the song has a unbelievable melodic whistling by Klaus Meine.....the song is so famous it was chosen as the Song of the Century in Germany......
III.White Lion-When the Children Cry

Except for lovers of 80's rock nobody wud know of this band....and for me they r one of the best band to produce some amazing rock's sad they didnt last long....though Mike Tramp with new members producing albums...its not tht old White Lion magic anymore....."WHen the Children Cry" is the first song I listened.The song is about children suffering in a war-ridden country...and hope for a better place to live in.
What is best abt this song is the touching & meaningful lyrics,Mike Tramps voice and Vito Bratta's amazing guitar play.Seventh Day Slumber a Christian band did the cover for this song.....
IV.Ozzy Osbourne-Dreamer

Ozzy known as the "Godfather of heavy Metal" the lead singer of Heavy Metal Band Black Sabbath.He is known for his outrageous acts like biting the head of a live bat in a concert and the list goes on.And you wud never expect such a guy to come out with such a soft rock song.....and yes he did it in style....
The song is compared to John Lennons "Imagine" who was ozzys inspiration.The winter filled Music video did complement the song well.The song was abt ozzy's vision of a better world for his children, where they are happy and safe.
V.Def Leppard- Long Long way to go

It was a tough choice for me to select between "Promises" & "Long Long way to go".Both were really gud ballads..but I had to choose the later one for the lyrics and the overall romantic feeling the song brings.
This song is one of the very underated songs of the Lepards..the voice and guitar play are brilliant.....
VI.R.E.M- Losing my Religion

R.E.M. is an American alternative rock band...initially I had a hesitation to listening the song coz of the song title "Losing my religion"...being a born again christian I didnt want to listen to any Anti-Christ song...a quick googling on the songs lyrics revealed that the phrase "losing my religion" is an expression from the southern region of the United States that means losing one's temper or civility, or "being at the end of one's rope.
Overall I like the song for its awesome melody and unique voice
VII.Firehouse- You're my Religion

FireHouse is an American hard rock band and music similar to WhiteLion....Some of their great rock ballads include "I Live My Life for You", "Love of a Lifetime", and "When I Look Into Your Eyes"...but the one I liked most is "You are my religion" for its awesome music and lyrics which is often confused to a love song and gospel song.
For me it sounded more like a christian song and I luved the amazing lyrics glorifying Jesus.
Eby's All time favorite Rock Songs....
I.Metallica-Nothing Else Matters

This song got me hooked to listen to the Magic of Metallica....this song is a slow melodic rock song very unlike of Metallica....awesome lyrics.....Hetfields rough voice.....he it to a former girlfriend...
the S&M version of the song is even sweeter.....The lyrics were fantastic and could be related/interpreted in so many different ways and scenarios...the guitars make ppl move and die for the song.....
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Bnei Menashe -Lost Tribe of Israel living in India

There are more than 300,000 Benei Menashes in Manipur but most of them follow Christianity.
Only about 5,000 have converted to Judaism, most of them during the 1970s.
The Bnei Menashe ("Children of Menasseh") are a group of more than people from India's North-Eastern border states of Manipur and Mizoram who claim descent from one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. The claim appeared after a Pentecostalist dreamt in 1951 that his people pre-Christian religion is Judaism and that their original homeland is Israel.
Tongkhohao Aviel Hangshing is the leader of the Benei Menashes in Imphal.
We found that the stories, the customs and practices of the Israeli people were very similar to ours
Tongkhohao Aviel Hangshing
"We are Benei Menashe, because we belong to the Menashe tribe," he says.
"Menashe is the son of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. So we are the lost tribe of Israel."
Mr Hangshing says for thousands of years they did not know they were lost.
"We found out only 27 years ago," he says.
"When the Bible was translated into our language, in 1970s, we studied it.
"And we found that the stories, the customs and practices of the Israeli people were very similar to ours. So we thought that we must be one of the lost tribes."
1 April 2005: Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar, one of Israel's two chief rabbis, accepts the Bnei Menashe's claim because of their exemplary devotion to Judaism.His decision is significant because it paves the way for all Bnei Menashe to enter Israel under Israel's Law of Return.
Although the claims of Israelite descent are rejected by most Mizo-Kuki-Chin and called into serious question by Jewish academics, the Bnei Menashe are unshakable in their belief. Indeed, Bnei Menashe who wish to affirm their connection to the Jewish people are required to undergo Orthodox conversions, and every effort is made to ensure that they are accepted according to the strictest interpretation of Jewish law.
In the past two decades, some 1,700 Bnei Menashe have moved to Israel, mostly to settlements in West Bankand Gaza strip (before disengagement). Learning Hebrew has been a great challenge, especially for the older generation, for whom the phonology of their native languages makes Hebrew especially challenging, both phonologically and morphologically. Younger members have more opportunities to learn Hebrew and gain employment as soldiers and nurses aides for the elderly and infirm.
There are numerous references in Biblical writings. In Ezekiel 37:16-17, the prophet is told to write on one staff (quoted here in part) "For Judah..." and on the other (quoted here in part) , "For Joseph..." (the main Lost Tribe). The prophet is then told that these two groups shall be someday reunited.
Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand. Ezekiel 37:16-17 KJV
There are also discussions in the Talmud as to whether the Ten Lost Tribes will eventually be reunited with the Tribe of Judah, that is, with the Jewish people.